Make Your Credit Card Work for You

Credit cardFrom multiple charge cards to the first multi-purpose credit card from the Diners Club, all the way to the modern-day credit card, there has been tons of growth in the way people spend money. Credit cards are a more accessible alternative over carrying around cash, especially for big purchases like appliances or a car. The little plastic card in your wallet continues to evolve. The ways you can make it work for you. Here are some easy “hacks” to utilize to ensure you are getting the most out of your credit card.

Enroll in Rewards

Are you rewarded for just using your credit card? Most cards only allow you to earn points at certain places, with the Eastex Visa Credit Card, you earn points everywhere your card is accepted! With 1 point for each $1 spent, enroll at and you’ll be cashing in rewards in no time.

No Annual Fee

Are you paying an Annual Fee? You can stop looking because at Eastex we make it easy for your card to work for you with great bonuses and no annual fee! You can redeem points for merchandise or cash back, it’s like getting paid to shop. And applying for the card is 100% free.

Interest Rate             

One thing that can get people in trouble with their card is interest rate. Searching for a low interest-bearing credit card will help save you in the long run. With the Eastex Visa Credit Card, we offer low-interest rates and an interest-free grace period to ensure you will get the most out of your card. The world is evolving from paper to technology. You’ll be able to stay on top of your money and rewards right from your phone.

Saving money and plenty of opportunities to earn rewards with the convenience of managing it all from a mobile device has never been easier. With Eastex, you can have all these, and it is so simple to apply. Before you know it, you’ll be earning rewards in no time.

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