Eastex CU Scholarships

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Spring semester is here already, and before you know it Summer will be over and then…COLLEGE. We know you’ve waited for what seems like forever to get to college, and all your hard work has finally paid off. Have you decided where you are going, or still trying to decide between a few prospects? In addition to the quality of the education you will receive at each school, you should be aware of the financial cost to attend as well.

The price tag to attend college is much more than just the tuition costs. For the 2017-2018 academic year, the cost to attend a public in-state college averaged $25,290, although tuition averaged only $9.970. The cost to attend a private college averaged $50,900, with $34,740 being tuition. Tuition is generally charged according to units or hours per semester or quarter and can be more expensive for certain degree programs and for out-of-state students. In addition to tuition, colleges charge fees for services, such as student government and campus transportation and being able to use facilities like the library, recreational centers, and on-campus parking. Housing and meals for the academic year can cost as much as tuition and some schools have room and board requirements for freshmen. Textbooks and other supplies you need, such as a computer, also add to the overall price tag to attend college.

We know how expensive it can be, that’s why Eastex wants to help ease the expenses of college life!

We are happy to announce Eastex CU Scholarships: six $500 Scholarships to award to six deserving applicants. These applicants will be 2017 – 2018 graduating high school seniors and current college underclassmen that are members of this credit union and meet the following eligibility requirements:

  1. Submit a completed application (click here for the application).
  2. Submit a 250-word essay entitled “What field of study do you plan to seek? What are the most important issues your field is facing today?”
  3. Proof of a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.5.
  4. Two letters of recommendations from professors (underclassmen).
  5. An official transcript of classes (underclassmen)
  6. The applicant must be a member in good standing with Eastex CU.

To apply for one of the Eastex CU Scholarships, click here to download the scholarship application and to learn more about our criteria and eligibility. Local senior students and currently enrolled underclassmen are strongly encouraged to apply.

Deadline is Friday, April 13, 2018

Source: colledgedata.com

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