Annual Meeting Announcement


At Eastex Credit Union you are more than just a member, you are family! So from our family to yours, Happy Valentine’s Day!

Annual Meeting

Here at Eastex Credit Union, we strive to be recognized as a community leader by providing members with the best financial solutions. We are excited to invite you to our Annual Meeting, where our members at Eastex have a voice and vote!

The nominating committee has submitted the following to fill expiring terms:

  • Troyce Taylor
  • Francis McDaniel

Any member in good standing with the Credit Union may also run for a position on the Board by Petition. Each nominee by petition must submit a statement of qualifications and biographical data with the petition signed by at least 1% of the membership. The forms may be obtained from the Credit Union.

The closing date for receiving nominations by petition is March 1, 2017. The election will not be conducted by ballot and there will be a call for nominations from the floor when there is only one nominee for each position to be filled.

The date is set for April 4, 2017 at Evadale High School. All members are welcome and encouraged to attend this meeting. You’ll learn more about Eastex Credit Union, our growth over the past year, and all the exciting new things we have planned! Door prizes and CASH prize drawings are available for you to win.  We look forward to visiting with you and your family so mark your calendars.

Date: April 4, 2017

Time: 6pm Fish Fry in the Cafeteria

Location: Meeting will follow dinner in the Evadale ISD Auditorium

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