Everyone must start somewhere when it comes to their financial journey. You might have started your first job, you’re in school, or navigating the world by yourself for the first time, but you may need some assistance. When starting your financial journey, it can be difficult to know which choices are right for you. At Eastex Credit Union, we can help guide you through the early steps to gaining financial independence.
Evaluate Your Finances
The first thing to do is evaluate your current financial situation. If you don’t feel confident about your finances, don’t sweat. Everyone has their own path when it comes to their financial journey. All you need to know is where you currently stand so you can build the rest of your plan. One resource Eastex has is checking and monitoring your credit score on our website. If you have any loans, note your payment and loan balance.
Determine Goals
Now that you know where your finances are, you can sit down and establish a list of goals you want to accomplish. Some things to consider are, how much do you want to save? What are you wanting to save for? Do you want to boost your credit score? These are just some of the questions to ask yourself as you create your list of goals. Make sure to have goals that you can reach, big and small.
Create a Budget
This is everyone’s favorite step, creating a budget. Creating a budget is vital because it sets a spending limit and helps you set aside funds for your savings. A good way to start is to track your spending habits.
Sometimes creating a budget means living below your means. Always budget your needs first then when able, add your wants in gradually. Reevaluating your budget frequently ensures you’re on the right track and you can adjust when necessary. If you need assistance creating a budget, we have budget tools that can help you achieve financial stability.
Set Aside Emergency Funds
Life happens, and you’re going to need money for emergencies. While we wish life went according to our plans, it rarely does. When able, try and set aside money for when life throws a wrench in your plans. This is money that you won’t touch at all unless something unexpected happens. A good rule of thumb is to set aside at least three months’ worth of income for your emergency fund. We have savings accounts at Eastex where you can earn interest and watch your money grow.
We’re Here For You
At Eastex Credit Union, we’re dedicated to helping you achieve your financial goals. Come visit Eastex Credit Union! We’re ready to help you navigate your finances and make the process simple. We’re ready to answer any questions. Contact us at 409-276-2525 today!